Gran de Gràcia 47, 08012, Barcelona
Our professional experience at international level allows us to guarantee our clients a rapid and efficient advice, and human, focused on the protection of their interests regarding any type of dispute or controversy.

The firm

TZA is an international law firm that is born out as the result of more than 21 years of professional experience of its founder, who is interested in optimising the services offered to his clients, providing them rapid, personalized and efficient alternatives and solutions.

The litigation area is the main reason for the firm. Our extensive international experience facing with ordinary and arbitral courts, allows us to advise our clients in pre-litigious and litigious phases of all kinds of controversies, in the civil and commercial order, pre constituting the necessary evidence for the defence of their interests, and implementing the most appropriate strategy for their rights’ effective protection.

As juridical heirs to the Romano-Germanic tradition, the image of the firm intends to pay tribute to the legend of Rome’s founders, sons of Mars, god of war.

Practice areas

Litigation and commercial arbitration

Shipping & Transport

International Trade

Supply chain and logistics

Commercial law

Civil law

Insurance and Reinsurance




We operate and advise our clients in the field of company and business, both nationally and internationally, with special emphasis on the resolution of conflicts and controversies in the civil and commercial order. We are a boutique of legal services, specialized in trade and logistics. We have collaborators and consultants located at strategic points worldwide, and with the capacity to comprehensively advise our clients throughout the production, marketing and distribution process of their products and services.


We align ourselves with the interests and objectives of our clients to offer them personalized, agile and efficient solutions that allow them to continue their activity with the peace of mind of being well advised and duly informed of everything that their query entails.

Time takes revenge on things that are done without its help.

Eduardo J. Couture



