Gran de Gràcia 47, 08012, Barcelona

Increase in the liability limit of the land carrier of goods. – Juan Antonio Tavara


The approval of the General State Budgets entailed a modification of the Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects (IPREM) that serves as a reference for calculating the compensation applicable in claims to the land carrier for damages and losses, in the terms provided for in article 57.1 of the Law of the Contract of Land Transport of Merchandise.

With this modification, the compensation limit payable by the land carrier increases from 5.98 euros affected gross kilo to 6.28 euros affected gross kilo (1/3 of the daily IPREM to 18.83/3= 6.27666)

The application of this indicator to calculate the compensation payable by the land carrier is linked to the date of occurrence of the loss, so it is applicable to claims for events that occurred after January 1, 2021. To claims for events that occurred until December 31, 2020, the provisions of the IPREM will continue to apply until that date (5.98 euros gross kilo affected).

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